Watch Order

Attack on Titan – Watch Order and Info

Episodes with a mid-credit/after-credit scene

  • S1E25
  • S3E12
  • S3E19
  • S3E22
  • S4E04
  • S4E11
  • S4E23
  • S4E27

Recommended OAD watching order

S1E01 – S1E03 → OAD 3 → S1E04 – S1E13 → OAD 1 → OAD 2 → S1E14 – S2E12 → OAD 6 & 7 → OAD 4 & 5 → S3E01 – S3E12 → OAD 8 → S3E13 to the end.

Movies & Junior High

All movies are recaps / summaries.

Junior High is a parody series.

As both contain heavy spoilers, it is recommended to watch the main series first.

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